Jim C

Me in 3 words – Reliable | Honest | Caring

My favourite place in Scotland – My favourite place in Scotland is the small village of Portpatrick in the Dunfries and Galloway. I have golfed there every year for the past 25 years and it is a beautiful wee village with a lovely harbour, really friendly people and loads of pubs.  

My Scottish hero – Scottish Comedian Billy Connolly. Everybody usually goes for William Wallace or Rabbie Burns. He is in our era and I think he is very funny!

What is your passion? - My biggest passion would have to be my family and friends. I am also a keen golfer, enjoy watching football and reading.

Tell us a bit about you - I was brought up in the north east of Scotland in Aberdeenshire. I served my apprenticeship as an engineer in Aberdeen before moving to Paisley in the early 70s to join the police where I served as a Constable and later became a detective. In the 80s I was given the opportunity to buy my own business as a Coal Merchant which I did for the next 29 years. I supposedly retired in 2012…but here I am!!

Do you have a favourite tour? - The whole of the west coast is just braw, but the Isle of Skye is a special place in my eyes.

What's your favourite drink amongst friends? - My favourite drink would have to be Scotlands National lager…Vitamin T…(Tennents lager)… but I also love a good Malt Whisky. 

When you’re not on tour? - When I’m not on tour, I work at a local country estate which keeps me fit and young! I love keeping myself busy and attending to my recent purchase of hens!

What do you love about Scotland and Best Scottish Tours? - There is nothing not to love about Scotland…we have everything on our doorstep…the people, the scenery, the whisky and the banter!! I love being able to show off our wonderful country to all our visitors.

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